Monday 23 April 2012

Pre-Raphaelite Honeys

The Williams are a bit fucked up. Ané is probably the least fucked up out of all of us. Or at least very good at hiding it. Obviously we can all be described through Pre-Raphaelite paintings . It just makes sense ( #IJMS on Twitter). So if we were Pre-Raphaelite babes, this is who we would be - 

Ané is Undine, a beautiful water (eater) nymph from mythology. An Undine was created without a soul, but by marrying a mortal and bearing him a child she obtained a soul and with it all the pains and penalties of the human race.  The origin of the Undines can best be traced all the way back to ancient Greece wherein mythology cites a clan of nymphs called Oceanides claimed the waters of the world as their home. The water nymphs, or water spirits, belonging to the Water Elemental, are usually found in forest pools and waterfalls. They are said to have beautiful voices, which can sometimes be heard singing over the sound of water that entices those that hear it. 

Fabi is the Lady of Shalott. According to legend, the Lady of Shalott was forbidden to look directly at reality or the outside world; instead she was doomed to view the world through a mirror, and weave what she saw into tapestry. Her despair was heightened when she saw loving couples entwined in the far distance, and she spent her days and nights aching for a return to normality. One day the Lady saw Sir Lancelot passing on his way in the reflection of the mirror, and dared to look out at Camelot, bringing about a curse. The lady escaped by boat during an autumn storm, inscribing 'The Lady of Shalott' on the prow. As she sailed towards Camelot and certain death, she sang a lament. Her frozen body was found shortly afterwards by the knights and ladies of Camelot, one of whom is Lancelot, who prayed to God to have mercy on her soul. The tapestry she wove during her imprisonment was found draped over the side of the boat.

And finally Jana is Ophelia. Sad and pathetic driven to madness by love. After Hamlet's "To be, or not to be" soliloquy. Hamlet approaches Ophelia and talks to her. He tells her "get thee to a nunnery." Hamlet becomes angry, realises he has gone too far, and says "I say we will have no more marriages", and exits. Ophelia is left bewildered and heartbroken, sure that Hamlet is insane. After Hamlet storms out, Ophelia makes her "O, what a noble mind is here o'erthrown" soliloquy. Later, Queen Gertrude reports that Ophelia had climbed into a willow tree, and then a branch broke and dropped Ophelia into the brook, where she drowned. Gertrude says that Ophelia appeared "incapable of her own distress". Whether her death was an accident or suicide remains a mystery. 

There you have it folks, that's us Pre-Raphaelite babes. Not morbid at all. Happy Monday ya'll!

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